When it comes to WordPress, the internet is replete with individuals offering advise along the lines of “get this plugin, get that plugin!”

It’s true that plugins are one of the most important aspects that contribute to the awesomeness of WordPress, and you shouldn’t be afraid to try out new plugins!

However, in order to take use of the benefits that a cool plugin delivers, you will first need to have the installation of the plugin completed. Installing a plugin for WordPress can be done in the simplest method possible.

How to apply a plugin to your WordPress site: 

1. In your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the “Plugins” section.

To begin, navigate to your WordPress administration panel at http://your-domain.com/wp-admin/ and select “Plugins” from the menu that appears in the sidebar.

2. Pick the “Add New” option.

You can locate the button that says “Add New” close to the top of the page because:

3. Use the search function to locate your plugin.

Following that, you will be presented with a page that provides you with a concise list of featured or recommended plugins, as well as a convenient search bar on the right side of the page. This is the search field that we are going to use.

You will need to fill up that search form with the name of the plugin that you intend to install. For my part, I will show you how to install our Revive Old Post plugin with the help of this demonstration.

One of the most advantageous aspects of this situation is that you do not even have to enter the complete name of the plugin. As an illustration, I won’t do much more than use the word “revive” and then push the enter key on my keyboard.

4. Set up your plugin into place.

Simply clicking on the “Install Now” button is all that is required of you at this point, once you have located the plugin that you are looking for on the list. The plugin will be downloaded and installed on your website by WordPress once you have completed the aforementioned action. You can think of it as being similar to installing a new app on your phone.

5. Activate the plugin

There is one more step to take. When the installation is finished, you should click on the link that says “Activate Plugin” that has just appeared:

Tips on how to install a premium or paid plugin for WordPress 

There is a slight difference in the procedure that must be followed in order to install a premium or paid plugin for WordPress. Completely due to the fact that premium plugins are not accessible through the official plugin directory, which is the directory that can be accessed through the search option in your WordPress administration panel.

1. Obtain the archive of the plugin.

The very first thing that you need to accomplish is find a way to acquire the plugin itself. You will be responsible for handling this step on your own. In the majority of cases, this pertains to going to a marketplace or a plugin store and purchasing a copy of the plugin from that particular location.

In a nutshell, as a consequence of your purchase, you ought to have the file that contains the plugin that may be installed stored as a ZIP package.

2. In your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the “Plugins” section.

After you have obtained your ZIP file, return to the WordPress wp-admin panel, select “Plugins” from the menu on the sidebar, and then select the “Add New” button.

3. Upload the archive of your plugin.

From there, select the “Upload Plugin” button that is located at the very top of the page.

On the following screen, you will have the opportunity to upload the ZIP file containing your plugin directly to your WordPress account. If you want to confirm the upload, simply choose the ZIP file from your desktop and then click the “Install Now” button.

4. Activate the toolbar plugin

In order to activate the plugin, all you will need to do once WordPress has finished performing its magic:

Once you have completed these steps, the plugin will be available online, and you will be able to begin utilizing it.

How to Select the Right Plugins for WordPress

WordPress has tested and approved the plugin.

Certain paid wordpress plugins do not come with a free version included. However, the majority of the most reputable plugins offer both a paid premium version and a free version that has been put through rigorous testing and is included in the official WordPress plugin repository.

An assurance that there is some form of quality control is provided to me by the fact that a free version has been reviewed and approved by WordPress.

In the event that a significant problem is found with a free plugin, WordPress will remove the option to download the plugin from its repository.

One potential problem is coding that leads to a condition of abandonment or vulnerability if it is not properly implemented. In accordance with the WordPress Plugin Guidelines, there are a great number of additional reasons why a plugin might be removed altogether.

It is not a perfect approach, and it does not guarantee that the plugin can be installed without risk every single time. When compared to downloading a plugin that is not available through the official WordPress repository, however, this method is typically considered to be safer.

It’s possible that premium plugins will go through their own private testing. In most cases, it is risk-free to buy them and download them. Nevertheless, prior to making a purchase, it could be beneficial to conduct research on the testing and screening procedures.

Changelog Affirms the Presence of Frequent Updates

There is a possibility that some plugins will be discontinued. On the WordPress page for each plugin, the date that the plugin was most recently updated is noted.

Because the job that a plugin performs is quite straightforward, it is possible that it will not be changed. In general, however, this is an indication that a plugin has been deleted from the system.

In most circumstances, it is best to steer clear of abandoned plugins.

WordPress is always being updated and improved. When you install a plugin that has not been updated, there is a possibility that it will cause conflicts with the version of WordPress or PHP that your website is running on at the moment.

Plugin Does Not Intersect With Another Plugin That Is Already Installed

It is a problem that I encounter frequently when two or more plugins that are supposed to perform the same functions overlap. The majority of the time, this occurs with plugins that contain structured data and speed optimization.

The typical outcome is that you end up with more plugins than you actually require.

It is essential to make use of the minimum number of plugins required. A slowdown in server performance may occur if your website is overloaded with plugins.

In the event that you use an excessive number of plugins at the same time, even a plugin that is intended to speed up your website may also slow down your website.

Before installing a plugin, give careful consideration to the ways in which this plugin will help you address your difficulties. To what extent would the installation of a second or third plugin result in the duplication of functions if it does not resolve all of them?

In conclusion, that is all there is to know about installing a plugin for WordPress! I really hope that this enlightened you! For those of you who have inquiries, please do not hesitate to post them in the comments section below.