Email hosting gives users the capacity to send and receive emails for a specific domain name through the use of a mail server that has already been deployed. In contrast, web hosting is a solution that can be used for multiple purposes. Dollar2host provides shared hosting as well as managed VPS plans with the ability to publish websites. This capability includes support for HTTPS, programming languages such as PHP, ASP.NET, Python, Perl, and others, as well as a database that is compatible with MySQL. Additionally, a free SSL certificate will be provided for each of your domain names.

The web hosting plans provided by Dollar2host come complete with email services for each and every domain name that is registered as part of the overall package. If you require a dedicated solution for domains, we also provide Business Email hosting options, which combine online messaging features with a mail server that is completely maintained by the host.

What Exactly Does “Email Hosting” Mean?

Companies who want a dedicated email server solution can purchase email hosting as a separate package from web hosting services. This type of email hosting provides support for custom domains, addresses, and inboxes and is sold to businesses. When it comes to sending and receiving messages, this kind of hosting is compatible with the POP3, IMAP, and SMTP standards. With each standard, you have the ability to connect using SSL encryption to safeguard your data.

Email hosting is the best solution to go with if your company needs personalized assistance for domain names and branding in addition to individual email aliases for each of your workers or service departments. Within the SPanel of your web hosting account, you have the ability to create unique addresses for each individual domain name that you add in the free email hosting. The administration part of Dollar2host makes it simple to monitor and control the activity in email inboxes in the free email hosting.

If you already have a website or application hosted on another server and a domain name registered for your business, you should look into the Dollar2host Business free email hosting plan. This will make it possible for you to add support for an unlimited number of email addresses, as well as webmail access for your users and TLS encryption for all transfers in email hosting. Using DNS settings for email hosting, you are able to run your website on any hardware you choose.

In order to use free email hosting with a name that is located on a different server, you will need to modify the MX records in the registrar so that they refer to the servers that Dollar2host provides that are the best email hosting providers. If you are utilizing a fully-fledged website hosting plan, any changes you make to the DNS settings will cause an automatic update to the MX records for the mail server in free email hosting.

Routing in the DNS in Email hosting:

You can utilize Dollar2host that are the best email hosting provider with your account even if you have a domain that is used exclusively for free email hosting by pointing the DNS records for that domain to Dollar2host. When you add the domain to your SPanel account, the MX records will be created immediately afterward automatically. The DNS configuration must be updated through the domain registrar in order for the change to take effect.

Each web hosting account features tailor-made configurations for its corresponding DNS server. After login into the website, you can locate them either in the email hosting that you were sent as a welcome or by clicking the Manage button that is located next to the hosting account plan that you have selected. These values are specific to each individual user.

MX Records in Email Hosting:

Utilize the information that is provided in your welcome email in order to set up your own personal MX Records for the hosting server that is associated with your Email plan.

At the registrar of your domain, you need to delete the previous MX record and create a new one for your domain using the following information:

  • In the “Name” field, type the domain name, which is typically something like “”
  • In the TTL text box, you should leave the value that is already there.
  • Make sure that the DNS Type is set to MX.
  • The Priority text box requires you to provide a value, either 10 or 20.
  • In the box labelled “Value,” type the address of your mail server, such as “”

Make advantage of the Mail Route option found in cPanel in the event that you need to run an email server for one of your web hosting domains on Gmail or another provider such as Outlook in email hosting.

Email Addresses:

After your DNS and MX records have been propagated, you may establish new email accounts by using the cPanel interface and selecting the Email Accounts button. You should see a drop-down box containing all of the added domains, along with the option to generate a one-of-a-kind email address and password. You also have the option of setting storage quotas.

What Does It Mean By The Term Web hosting?

Web hosting is a comprehensive service that incorporates all of the characteristics required to successfully host an online venture, such as a business or a project. This includes e-commerce solutions, domain administration, file management, email solutions, security software, and a great deal of other software. Web hosting companies strive to provide customers with a “one-stop shop” experience by offering as many complementary services as they can. 

The Following Are The Primary Categories of Web Hosting services That You Might Experience: 

Shared Web Hosting:

With shared hosting, you can create a single website or numerous websites on the same web server without the expense of purchasing dedicated hardware. Every client makes use of the same pool of system resources (memory, processing power, and so on), and the IP addresses that are used for routing are shared. Because it enables them to spend less money on website solutions, publishers, small enterprises, and individual users alike are increasingly turning to shared hosting.

Managed VPS Web Hosting:

On a Managed VPS platform, hosting and email can be bundled into a single service. A pre-installed control panel and mail server are used to configure each and every email account that is created. Plans for managed Virtual Private Servers (VPS) typically provide individualized hardware options for RAM, CPUs, and storage. Free SSL certificates, domain names, and content delivery networks are also available. Managed virtual private server solutions are extremely quick, simple to scale, and provide complete control over the server environment for the purpose of customization. Include support from a competent hosting service. Excellent for young companies and medium-to-small organizations. 

VPS Plans:

On a platform that offers self-management, you can use the control panel of your choosing to easily host a domain name along with email. These solutions give users the option to configure scalable hardware resources, provide a selection of operating systems, and incorporate backup services. Hosting assistance is not included with any of the plans.

Multi-Cluster Servers in Webhosting:

The best-dedicated server plan available in the cloud is the multi-cluster server configuration. Each configuration offers options for a single data center or many data centers. Your websites will have high availability and improved data security if you use failover protocols for your web hosting. Load balancing is implemented across multiple data centers using multi-cluster servers. This results in improved rates of performance and ensures compliance with international data privacy standards.

Web Hosting for WordPress:

Installing, updating, and strengthening the CMS’s security can all be done with a single click when using a hosting platform that manages WordPress. On almost all shared web hosting plans, you may utilize Softaculous to install WordPress, and it will also allow you to manage limitless emails with your domains. Hosting WordPress requires nothing more than a Linux server with PHP and MySQL capabilities. Nothing else is necessary. The host will provide expert WordPress assistance for customers with paid plans.

Reseller Web Hosting:

It is common practice for professional web design businesses, independent programmers, and freelance web designers to use reseller hosting in order to meet the needs of their customers. This sort of service comes with the administration of WHMCS in addition to several individual cPanel accounts. You have the ability to select the quantity of storage space that is allotted to each customer, in addition to the alternatives that they will have access to. If you choose to operate as a reseller, it is imperative that you have access to private nameservers and white-label services. 

3. What Are The Key Differences Between Website Hosting And Email Accounts?

The availability of either email servers or web servers, respectively, is what differentiates web hosting from email hosting as the primary criterion. When you use free email hosting, the only options you may view are those that pertain to your online communication. When we refer to web hosting, we are referring to a comprehensive service that includes a great deal more than simply email hosting. This type of service typically includes domain administration, website-building tools, file storage, and anything else you would require for a full-fledged experience.

Support for Domain Names:

With a web server and an email server, a web hosting service can support a single domain name or numerous domain names simultaneously. In order to operate independently from a web hosting plan, an email host needs to make use of customized MX records. You will still need to make use of the DNS settings in order to direct traffic to a mail server from your domain.

Configuration of the Web Server:

Every website requires a web server in order to function, and Apache, NGINX, IIS, are the web servers that are typically considered to be the most popular and effective alternatives. Installing scripts and databases is a task that may be carried out by developers on shared hosting platforms that come with a control panel.

Management Tools:

An email host gives you access to a mail server with secured data transfers, which may include desktop email, webmail, or facilities provided by a third party for managing your emails within your workflow. You are able to check your messages using webmail access with Horde and Round Cube from any location and device as long as you have an internet connection.

Apple Mail, Microsoft Outlook, and Mozilla Thunderbird are three of the most used desktop email programs available. Altering your MX records is another option for simplifying the process of syncing with your Gmail account.

Alternatives for Storage:

If you purchase a web hosting plan, the space allotted to your email accounts is very similar to the space allotted to your accounts overall, and you are free to use the entire space for your email if you so choose. However, in order to prevent an excessive amount of space from being used by an overflowing inbox, make sure that quotas are set for each mailbox in the settings.

In What Circumstances Ought Web Hosting and Email Hosting to Be the Same?

If you are planning to launch a brand or a company in which online communication plays an important role in day-to-day operations, you should give some thought to combining the hosting of your website with the management of your email accounts. You can create and expand your website while simultaneously setting up email accounts with a number of different domain names. 

 In what circumstances should web hosting and email hosting be treated differently?

Some online activities are extremely reliant on email communication and send out and receive hundreds of messages on a daily basis. Frequently, organizations in this category include both large corporations and online retailers. Managing diverse aspects of an organization’s operations can be simplified by ensuring that email and website hosting are kept apart from one another. In this manner, business departments are able to concentrate on securing communication with consumers for the purpose of providing support, while also ensuring that this does not disrupt the website’s normal operation.


Email hosting and website hosting are technically distinct from one another due to the fact that email hosting typically supports HTTP(S) queries, whereas website hosting typically does not employ unique DNS records for the mail server, and database management and scripting capabilities are not typically included. Many businesses find it more convenient to manage the email for their domains in a separate location from their website hosting code. 

Use a dedicated web host for your company’s email requirements at the organizational level to ensure compliance and make cyber security a top priority for your company. This will allow you to meet regulatory standards. 

Email servers that are pre-installed and completely integrated are a part of each and every plan offered by Dollar2host which are the best email hosting providers. These servers offer support for many users and inboxes. You can get in touch with the Dollar2host team if you have any further queries or need assistance selecting the package that is most suitable for your needs.