You will notice that the number of files on your website increases as you add more tools and material to it, which will result in slower loading speeds. Because of the importance of speed on the internet, a website that loads slowly can be a significant issue.

The process of minification is one approach that might be taken to address this issue. The process of compressing particular files, such as CSS, JavaScript, and HTML files, in order to reduce their size without affecting their functioning is referred to as compression. One of the best things about minifying these files is that you don’t even need any prior knowledge of coding!

What exactly is the process of minification?

When it comes to the internet, every second counts. The increasing optimization of websites has led to an increase in the number of users who anticipate that websites will load quickly. In point of fact, about half of all people who use the internet anticipate that websites will load in two seconds or less.

Being trapped with a slow website can be a death sentence, especially considering that a single second of delay can result in a seven percent loss in conversions. The good news is that there are solutions available to assist you in accelerating your website, one of which is minification.

When we talk about compressing Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), JavaScript, and HTML code, we are referring to the process of doing so without impacting the functioning of these files. There are a lot of files on your website that are responsible for keeping it running, but there are also a lot of files that are slowing it down.

Despite the fact that this minification procedure may appear to be unduly complicated at first glance, it is actually rather simple. Eliminating characters from the code that aren’t necessary is all that’s required.

There is still all of the necessary information present; however, the line breaks, spaces, and a few other characters have been omitted. These components are not required for a computer to comprehend the code; rather, their sole purpose is to make the code more comprehensible within the eyes of humans.

Although it might not appear that this very modest modification would have a significant impact, you should consider the number of lines of code that are now being executed on your website. The size of each file can be greatly reduced by the process of minification, which will ultimately result in your website loading more quickly. This is notably correct in the event that your website is comprised of a substantial quantity of files, scripts, and plugins.

Now, we are going to take a look at two different ways that you can minify code: manually and via a plugin that is specifically designed for this purpose.

Tips on How to Minify JavaScript and CSS Manually

By utilising a specialised application, manual minification enables you to compress CSS and JavaScript code in a short amount of time. First, you will be able to write code that is simple to read and understand, and then you will be able to minify it with a tool in a matter of seconds thereafter.

For those interested in beginning the process of minifying CSS, we suggest utilising a tool such as Clean CSS, CSS Minify, or CSS Minifier. Minify can be an excellent place to begin when working with JavaScript. On the other hand, there are alternatives available, such as JavaScript Minifier and JSCompress.

The good news is that each of the instruments will function in the same manner. For instance, if you are using Clean CSS, all you will need to do is copy and paste your original code into the appropriate section and then click on the CSS Minify button.

It is strongly suggested that you save both versions of the code. You run the danger of losing the original code if you do not. On the other hand, the original version will be simpler to change and troubleshoot than the minified version.

Furthermore, we strongly advise that you only utilise manual minification if you are satisfied with your level of coding expertise. Instead, you might want to make use of a WordPress plugin that is designed to minify your content if you do not have a great deal of experience.

Plugins That Will Assist You in Minifying Your WordPress Files

You are able to automatically minify the CSS and JavaScript files that are responsible for keeping your website operational by utilising a plugin for WordPress. However, due to the fact that these files are so susceptible to attack, you will need to be certain that you are utilising a plugin that is reliable and secure. The following are two plugins that we recommend for minification.

The Minify of Fast Velocity

If you are a beginner or an expert user, Fast Velocity Minify is an excellent option for you to consider. It automatically minifies all of the CSS, JavaScript, and HTML code on your website without requiring any additional configuration on your part (this is the default setting). In addition to this, it gives you access to a vast array of additional choices in the event that you choose to make adjustments to the particulars.

Characteristics of note:

Not only does it require minimum settings, but it also operates automatically in real-time. It provides a wide range of choices for more expert users.

The product delivers excellent outcomes and dependable assistance.

Installing a Plugin to Minify WordPress Files and How to Do It

You are now prepared to begin the process of minifying your WordPress files now that you are familiar with the tools that are accessible. The Fast Velocity Minify plugin is going to be utilised throughout the course of this tutorial. This is due to the fact that it is simple to implement for novices while providing advanced users with a significant number of configuration options to choose from.

Following the completion of the installation and activation of the plugin, there is no further action required on your part; your website is now prepared to undergo minification.

In the event that someone visits your website in the future, the plugin will steal your files and make a copy of them. In order to reduce the total number of requests, it will first aggregate the files and then minify the code that they contain. These files that have been optimised are saved in the cache and are utilised whenever the website is browsed once again. This ensures that your original files will not be altered in any way.

There are some advanced settings available for the plugin, which you can access if you are a more experienced user. You can access them by navigating to the Settings menu within WordPress and selecting Fast Velocity Minify.

Among the many options available to you, you have the ability to stop minification for particular files, exclude particular assets from the process, and specify the placement of the cache.


The performance of your website can be improved in a quick and easy manner by minimising the files that are used by WordPress.

By using this method, you can ensure that you do not lose visitors as a result of lengthy loading times.

You don’t actually need to have a technical understanding of CSS or JavaScript in order to minify your WordPress files, despite the fact that it could appear to be a technical nightmare to accomplish your goal. Fast Velocity Minify is an example of a plugin that can handle all of the work for you.