Every device connected to the internet is given a unique identification number known as an Internet Protocol (IP) address. A number identification given to devices that communicate over the internet is known as an IP address. IP addresses are used by computers that communicate over local networks or the internet to share data to a specific place.

There are two different variations or standards for IP addresses. The more recent of the two, Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) addresses are assigned to all computers and have a capacity of up to 4 billion addresses. In addition to PCs, the more modern version of Internet Protocol 6 (IPv6) allows for trillions of IP addresses, which explains the new generation of gadgets. Additionally, there are other kinds of IP addresses, such as private, public, static, and dynamic addresses.

Any device that is linked to the internet, whether it be a laptop, a computer, or a gadget that is part of the Internet of Things, is given an IP address. The use of Internet Protocol addresses makes it possible for computers on different networks to communicate with one another and facilitates the efficient transmission of data between two connected devices.

The reason you have an IP address?

IP addresses, which are the one-of-a-kind identifiers of computer networks, serve as the basis for the Internet’s data routing system. Two computers are able to connect with one another and identify one another through the usage of Internet Protocol addresses when they are sending data over the Internet.

An Internet Protocol address is required for a device in order for it to be able to communicate with other devices and receive data packets from those other devices. In point of fact, this is a need. It does not matter if the device is connected to an internal or an external network; this is always the case.

What are the workings of an IP address?

It is helpful to have an awareness of how IP addresses operate if you want to diagnose the reasons why your network might not be functioning properly or if you want to forecast how well it will have functionality. Internet Protocol is a language that, in the same way that every other language does, makes communication easier by utilizing preset rules for the flow of data. Using this protocol, all devices are able to discover, transfer, and exchange data with other devices that are linked together. This protocol also allows for the discovery of new devices. Through the utilization of the identical language, it is feasible for any computer, regardless of its location on the planet, to converse with any other computer of the same sort.

Internet Protocol addresses are utilised in a situation that is not easily identifiable. The following describes the manner in which the procedure is carried out:

  1. When your gadget first comes into existence, it will immediately begin to create a connection with a network that is connected to the internet. Afterwards, you will be able to establish an indirect connection to the internet by connecting your device to the internet through this network. This will result in the construction of an indirect connection to the internet.
  2. Your Internet service provider will assign an Internet Protocol address to your device in order to facilitate communication. This address will be used by the Internet service provider to trace all of your activities on the internet back to you. Due to the fact that they are the ones that give you with an internet connection, it is their responsibility to provide you with an IP address for your portable device.
  3. Your Internet Protocol address, on the other hand, would be subject to changes in the future. The act of simply turning on or off your modem or router without taking any other action is one method that can be utilised to make alterations to these devices. Simply getting in contact with your Internet service provider (ISP) is all that is required in order to obtain extra information regarding the possibilities of making alterations on your own to your account.
  4. Your home IP address will not be associated with your device if you carry it with you wherever you go, regardless of whether you are traveling or otherwise outside of the house. This holds true irrespective of the specifics of the situation. A temporary Internet Protocol address will be provided to you by the internet service provider of the location where you are accessing the internet. This IP address will be used to connect to the internet through a different network, such as the WiFi at a hotel, airport, coffee shop, or other similar establishments. This problem is brought about as a result of this event.

Different types of IP addresses:

  1. Private IP address

A private Internet Protocol (IP) address, often referred to as an internal-facing IP address, is assigned to any device that is linked to an internet, which is also known as a local area network (LAN) or the internet service provider (ISP) of the business or individual. Both at home and at work, the router is responsible for managing the private IP addresses that are issued to connected devices that are part of the local network. Network devices’ private IP addresses are mapped to public IP addresses by the router, which does this task. When private Internet Protocol (IP) addresses are reused across many networks, significant IPv4 address space is kept, and addressability is enhanced beyond the basic address limits.

2. The public Internet Protocol address

Attributed to the principal device that customers use to connect their home or business internet network to their internet service provider (ISP), an external-facing IP address, which is sometimes referred to as a public IP address, is assigned to the device. In most cases, this one is the router. When communicating with other IP addresses, all of the connected devices use the router’s IP address as their interface. Unlocking ports that are used for online gaming, email and web servers, video streaming, and remote connections requires possessing knowledge of the IP address that is visible to the outside world. Utilising the Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) addressing mechanism, every prospective device is provided with a one-of-a-kind identity that is accompanied by a different prefix that is assigned by the primary network organisation or Internet service provider. Private addressing, also known as Unique Local Addressing (ULA), is a facility that is made available by IPv6.

3. IP address that is dynamic

A dynamic IP address is dynamically assigned to a network whenever a router is configured. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is the protocol that is used to distribute these dynamic IP addresses. In some cases, the DHCP router is the router that is responsible for assigning IP addresses to networks that are spread out across an organisation or a home. The pool of accessible IP addresses is used to generate a new IP address for each user who logs into the network. This new IP address is derived from the pool of open IP addresses. A user may alternate between a number of different IP addresses at random throughout the course of multiple sessions.

4. The IP address is static.

In the context of private and public addresses, the terms “static” and “dynamic” are interchangeable. In the case of a user’s device’s network, static IP addresses are those that are manually configured and managed by the user. Automated changes to a static IP address are not feasible under any circumstances. An internet service provider does have the ability to assign a static IP address to a user account. This user will be assigned the same IP address for each session that they join.


Internet Protocol (IP) addresses are just as significant as a person’s identification card or number when it comes to establishing a unique identifier. This is because IP addresses are created by the Internet Protocol. It protects your own safety while simultaneously stimulating innovation in the subject or disciplines that you, as a user, find interesting. It is vital for any kind of website to have its own unique Internet Protocol address, whether it is a website for a business, a blog, or even an educational website that aims to supply college-bound kids with beneficial information. Every website needs to have its own IP address. Because of this, Internet Protocol numbers are equally as crucial; if you did not have them, it would be extremely difficult to acquire access to your network. To put it another way, an Internet Protocol (IP) address is comparable to a dot on a Google map that identifies where you live. It is essential to bear in mind, however, that the appropriate application of it might bring you huge riches and status, depending on the amount of effort and inventiveness you put forth. This is something that you should keep in mind.