It is absolutely necessary for each company, regardless of its size, to have a website that is up to date and on which it is possible to view examples of the goods and services it provides at this time. Because of the shifting purchasing habits of customers, businesses are now required to be online around the clock, and having a website is one of the ways that they may do this. Even though hosting service providers offer a variety of hosting options, it can be challenging for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and new businesses to manage the technical parts of operating a website in the absence of a specialized information technology staff.

Over the course of the past few years, there has been a shift in the industry toward the practice of providing a control panel, sometimes known as cPanel, alongside not only VPS or Dedicated servers but also Shared servers. Technically speaking, a cPanel is not required because all of the necessary operations may be carried out with the use of the CMD (Command Prompt) command interface, scripts, and client connection tools. Consequently, a cPanel is not required. cPanel is offered to consumers in order to facilitate the completion of activities in a more timely and less complicated manner. This is necessary due to the fact that not all companies that have websites or make use of hosting services possess the necessary level of technical expertise.
The control panel is not only necessary for the server’s fundamental tasks, but it also gives the administrators of the server access to browser-based tools and capabilities. Resellers, for example, can use it to automate chores and execute server management tasks directly from the browser without having to write any code or issue any commands. With the help of the control panel, controlling, administering, and monitoring the actions performed by end users is no longer a difficult or time-consuming endeavor.
Function of the Control Panel in Virtual Private Server Hosting
The use of virtual private server (VPS) hosting comes with its own unique set of benefits, some of which include flexibility, performance, dedicated resources, and stability. If you purchase cPanel in addition to your VPS hosting, then you will have access to a vast array of tools that are at your disposal.
Domain and File Management:
The control panel makes it very simple for you to manage anything from an addon domain to a parked domain, even if you have more than one domain or subdomain of your existing name. This is true even if you have more than one domain. You can manage domains with only a few clicks instead of having to type in commands, thanks to cPanel’s intuitive interface. Monitoring how much space is being used for storage is now a breeze using cPanel. From the control panel, you may also edit files and folders in addition to creating backups of them.
The safety and protection of your website is an essential component that, if not managed correctly, can result in severe repercussions. It is easy to block IP addresses using your cPanel, as well as set up access limits, install SSL/TLS, establish password-protected directories, and safeguard the site using additional tools like MoD Security. The virtual private server (VPS) comes with its very own set of resources and operating system (OS), both of which may be restarted and customized.
Mail Management is one of the features of cPanel that is utilized by an average user more frequently than any other. Using the control panel, you are able to generate email accounts, assign storage to each email account, configure autoresponders and forwarders, generate mailing lists, add email authentication, and filter spam. You have complete command over all parts of your emails by logging into the control panel for your website hosting account.
Databases and Logs:
A control panel will allow you to use databases to manage data storage and even restrict access to data if you so desire. Logs will allow you to monitor activity on your database. Using the analytical data, which can be accessed from within your control panel, you can also keep track of how well your website is performing.
Using the cPanel interface that comes with your VPS, you can also set up the virtual private server in a manner that is analogous to that of a dedicated server. You have the ability to set up the mail servers, set the hostname of the server, and assign IP servers and nameservers. With these additions, your virtual private server will operate in a manner that is almost identical to that of a dedicated server.
The Control Panel Features Available for Businesses Using VPS Hosting
A control panel is a type of technology that can deliver a great deal of functionality not just to companies but also to resellers. It makes it possible for them to easily incorporate a wide variety of features, which enables them to take their company to the next level. When an organization has a control panel, it is much simpler for that organization to make it possible for its customers to run cPanel software in parallel on a server and to also give them a ticketing system via which they can report problems. The VPS Hosting control panel enables the administrators of the hosting service to handle several servers from a single interface. IPv6 can also be supported by enterprises, and alarms can be used to monitor the services.
With all of its useful extra features, the VPS control panel is an excellent choice for a wide variety of users, from system administrators to regular website visitors. It ensures that site administrators do not have to configure FTP servers independently and that they may do so by utilizing a single service that is available in the control panel. The control panel allows web professionals to improve both the efficiency of their service management operations and the visibility of their websites. Additionally, SMEs have the option of purchasing additional resources and subsequently offering reseller packages.
The control panel is a feature that is no longer considered an optional extra. It is vital for any user who is supplying Reseller Hosting services, whether they are a sole proprietor operating a small business or a large corporation.
The cPanel control panel and the Plesk control panel are the most well-known and widely used VPS Hosting control panels. Because of its user-friendliness and time-tested track record, the first option is one of the control panels that is utilized by the greatest number of people. The fact that it is only compatible with CentOS and CloudLinux OS, however, restricts the scope of its applicability. On the other hand, Plesk, which first appeared on the market in 2003, is compatible with both Windows and Linux. It comes with a wide variety of capabilities, some of which cannot be found in other control panels, such as an automatic billing system or a company manager.
Plesk is also considered to be better organized, and its graphical user interface is cleaner. The Plesk control panel has its own dedicated user base, which is comprised of both seasoned and inexperienced computer operators. The price of the license is one of the most significant drawbacks of using Plesk. On the other hand, more and more hosting service providers are beginning to incorporate the Plesk control panel into their standard offerings. When making your final decision on which product to buy, it is crucial for you to examine the features of the control panel as well.
The control panel is included with the VPS Hosting package that is provided by The original Plesk control panel has been upgraded to the Plesk Onyx, which supports more advanced capabilities and technologies such as Docker and Git, amongst others.
We sincerely hope that this blog post helped clarify any questions or concerns you had regarding the use of the control panel in VPS hosting. In the event that you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them in the section provided below.