If you’ve decided to switch hosting providers but don’t know how, read this article. If you use the right technique, moving your website to a new server can be easy. Manual website migration is an option. Backups must be downloaded and uploaded to the new server. Your domain name must also be linked to the new server. Requesting transfer assistance from the new web hosting provider is another option. Imagine you’re a novice with limited technical understanding or a busy site owner with little time. This strategy is the most convenient currently available. This page discusses manual methods for transferring site hosting across companies.

Website migration: What is it?
It is vital to remember that website migration has many meanings. Starting with a website migration, your entire website may be moved to a new internet address. Web designers and developers may provide this definition in certain situations. Therefore, a site migration is like a corporation relocating from one location to another. You may move your website if you switch platforms, web hosting, or domain names. Another easy way to migrate your website is to change its URL from HTTP to HTTPS.
However, a site migration is any major update to your website that could affect its search engine rankings. Changes may be large or trivial. Changes can be made simultaneously, which is the best way to do this. Site migration may involve your website’s content, layout, structure, platform, or domain. It may also aim to improve UX or the customer journey. You must properly manage migration to maintain business as usual despite changes. Of course, you don’t want to lose your hard-earned search engine presence.
Steps for migrating your website to a different hosting provider:
- Don’t cancel quickly; first, think about moving.
In the majority of server shifting scenarios, one of the most significant errors that are made is that the present hosting is terminated first, and only after that is the question of how to transfer a website to a new server addressed. An action of this nature not only causes the website to experience downtime but also has the potential to result in the loss of any and all files, data, and information that the website maintains.
Although informing the existing hosting providers about your desire to switch servers is certainly the right thing to do from a moral and ethical standpoint, doing so can result in issues that might not have been anticipated. Therefore, it is always a better and more intelligent option to finish the migration procedure first and then cancel your current hosting service immediately afterward.
- Get a new host
It is necessary to select a new web host before actually relocating a website to a different hosting service. It is best to look for a hosting company that provides a free site migration service in order to make the process of transferring your website easier. Additionally, keep in mind that the new web host will have a big impact on your hosting experience over the long term, and this will not only be the case when you are migrating your website.
Consequently, prior to making a final decision, it is essential to analyze these long-term considerations. As you hunt for a new host, you should also pay particular attention to the many kinds of hosting plans that are available and the resources that are included in each of them.
- Get the backup files for your website
To begin the process of manually transferring hosting, you must first build a backup of your complete website and preserve all of the data associated with it. The objective here is to set it up on the new hosting account without making any mistakes or leaving any components on the table. If you do this, you can rest assured that your website’s content, plugins, and themes will not change when it is activated on the new hosting account. The control panel of your previous hosting account should, in the majority of instances, have the option to export a full backup, which is the most straightforward method for accomplishing this task.
- Allow a new hosting provider to access your site.
You will be able to proceed to the following step once you have confirmed that you have successfully gathered a backup of all of the files and information that were saved on the server that you previously used. Access to your hosting account must be granted to the web hosting company that you have recently chosen. This provider is responsible for providing server hosts.
Due to the fact that they do not have access to this information, they will be unable to make any modifications or changes to your website. Generally speaking, you should be able to log in with the assistance of a username and a password. All of the contact information associated with your account needs to be updated, and you need to switch it so that it corresponds to the information of the new owner of your account. It is possible to make changes to the email address, the billing information, and the majority of the personal details.
- Set up email accounts on the new server
Before you change your website’s DNS, one of the most important things you need to do is get all of its email accounts and add them to the new server. This is one of the most important steps in moving your website to a new host. It is very important not to forget about the email accounts on your website when you are making a copy of all the files and databases that are already there. After adding these safely to the new server, you can change your website’s DNS and move on with the process.
- Move website files to a different host.
As soon as you have gathered all of the data files from your website and have a backup that is safe, you will be able to start the process of moving all of the data files from your current website to the new server. You can now transfer the compressed website files and information from your old server to the server that is associated with your new hosts. This makes it easy for you to move your website between servers.
- Go to the new server and test your new website.
You will receive an exactly mirrored website with a temporary URL that is ready for a first-hand check once you have successfully gathered, compressed, and transferred all of the information and data from your previous server to the server that you have chosen more recently. Ensure that your website is running and functioning exactly as per your requirements and that it satisfies you absolutely well when you are checking the performance of your website at this stage.
In addition to ensuring that all of the data, images, links, and accounts function as they should, you should also make sure that they appear exactly as they should. If you want to avoid unneeded back and forth and any troubles at a later point, you should scan for any potential defects, problems, or issues right now and have them handled from the beginning. To prevent any disruptions in the performance of your website, it is of the utmost importance to obtain appropriate solutions to each and every problem, regardless of how big or small it may be, immediately at this stage.
You are now in a position to cancel your hosting plan with your prior host server in a handy manner once you have established that your website is running well and that all of the concerns have been addressed. Even though it is impossible to avoid it, the most important indicator of a successful transfer of a website from one server to another is the process of attempting to achieve zero downtime on your website over the entirety of this website.
It is only in extremely unusual circumstances that these zero downtimes are truly accomplished, but if you follow the methods outlined above in an effective and efficient manner, you will be able to minimize the amount of downtime that your website experiences and guarantee that its performance will not be disrupted.
The process of moving your website to a different hosting provider is not a difficult one. In this article, we demonstrated a few of the several approaches that can be taken while migrating hosting. In the event that you are operating a website, you have the choice of either manually doing the migration, obtaining a migration service from your new host, or utilizing a plugin. One of the most straightforward approaches to transferring web hosting is to delegate the work to your new hosting company. Consequently, when searching for a new host, it is essential to select one that provides services with regard to website migration.